Deep Dojo

Exporting from PyTorch to Core ML

Oleg Poyaganov has implemented a bridge from PyTorch to Core ML using coremltools. The Python package listing can be found here.

Only the nn module from Torch is currently supported but this still converts a range of different layers.

  1. Sequential
  2. ConcatTable
  3. SpatialConvolution
  4. ELU
  5. ReLU
  6. SpatialBatchNormalization
  7. Identity
  8. CAddTable
  9. SpatialFullConvolution
  10. SpatialSoftMax
  11. SpatialMaxPooling
  12. SpatialAveragePooling
  13. View
  14. Linear
  15. Tanh
  16. MulConstant
  17. SpatialZeroPadding
  18. SpatialReflectionPadding
  19. Narrow