Deep Dojo


What is Deep Dojo?

Deep Dojo is a blog about machine learning with a focus on Apple hardware. If you’re interested in exploring this topic on your Mac without an Ubuntu install, you’re in the right place.

Machine learning turned a corner in the last decade. We now find ourselves in the midst of a revolution. For someone who worked on this technology a long time ago, the progress and adoption of deep learning we’re seeing these days is nothing short of astonishing.

Who is Otto?

I write software for a living for Apple hardware. I’ve been doing it for about ten years. Before that, I worked on animation and video game software. In the late 90’s, I worked on a research team at Motorola Labs that was using neural networks to help computers speak more naturally.

Disclaimer: The posts on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent the positions, strategies, or opinions of my employer.

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